This is brilliant, really enjoying how you're mapping out your reasoning here.

Self-delusion is dangerous IMHO, but there is a more conscious, intentional way... some friends in recovery via Alcoholics Anonymous / Narcotics Anonymous introduced me to the concept of "act as if", that is act AS IF things are OK - in the case of AA/NA that you're confidently sober - even if you're not feeling they are collapsing around you. And it can apply to goals as well: act AS IF you're confidently on your way to your goals. Now this phrase has been hijacked by the new age / manifestation type people, who treat it as if it's magic - but it's not, there is some solid cognitive behavioural backing for it: https://cogbtherapy.com/cbt-blog/2013/8/26/act-as-if

And of course AA/NA always emphasise community support as part of any process!

On the subject of self-determination there's some brilliant stuff here: https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/community-health/patient-care/self-determination-theory.aspx - this article relates to improving health, though obviously that can be applied to mental states, and my friends at Noise Solution use it in their work mentoring at-risk youth through music... https://www.noisesolution.org. - it's kind of the opposite of the pyramid-selling "coaching" webinar approach that is all too ubiquitous nowadays: instead of making people you teach reliant on you, you aim to generate autonomy....

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